Local artist John McGowan opens exhibition at Peterborough Art Gallery

Local artist John McGowanLocal artist John McGowan
Local artist John McGowan
Original prints from an original printmaker, created over more than half a century, form an new exhibition at Peterborough Museum’s Art Gallery

​Trains, Boats and Cranes is an art exhibition by local artist and printmaker John McGowan, which opened at the gallery on June 3. It features over 130 of his prints and paintings from 1967 to 2023, and will be the largest exhibition of his work.

Although John is mainly known as a printmaker, specialising in screen-printing, this exhibition will show his local work based on Northborough and Glinton, early colour abstraction paintings, more recent work on railway signal boxes, docklands warehouses, the remains of Victorian railway bridges and experiments in printmaking on a cubist theme.

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John McGowan was born and educated in London and studied at Bulmershe College of Education, where he was awarded a BEd (Hons) in Art and Education. He has worked as an art teacher for many years, specialising in printmaking in Doncaster, Northampton, Peterborough and, finally, at Oundle School. He has been making prints for over 55 years and his passion for printmaking is undoubtedly evident in the work he has produced.

John’s artwork, featured in the exhibition will be available to purchase and the profits from sales will be donated to his chosen charity, Cancer Research UK.

Find out more at www.johnmcgowanprintmaker.co.uk