Cambridgeshire police launch new ‘true crime’ podcast

Cambridgeshire police are giving residents a new insight into life in the force with a new podcast series.

Cambs Cops: Our Stories follows narratives of survival, dealing with the trauma of an avoidable death and highlights some of the more complex and serious issues dealt with in policing.

Deputy Head of Corporate Communications Shelley Spratt said: “By providing an open and honest insight into the force’s work and the complex issues it deals with, we hope to reach new audiences and inspire people to report crimes and information.

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“A number of episodes cover areas we have never previously talked about and we hope, as a result, people have a greater understanding of those areas of work.

“We also tackle some particularly sensitive topics where we hear first-hand the impact crimes have had on victims, with some really inspirational survivor stories.

“We hope that by hearing these, people who have faced similar situations and not felt able or willing to report their crimes, will be encouraged to do so.

“Episodes are around ten minutes and provide a snapshot of force life in a way listeners can access at an opportunity convenient to them.”

A range of subjects are covered during the series including slavery, domestic abuse, serious sexual offences and the management of registered sex offenders.