Peterborough sex offender who approached girl in street jailed

Peter HurttPeter Hurtt
Peter Hurtt
A sex offender who breached a court order by approaching to a child in the street was later caught touching himself in a car park.

Peter Hurtt, 58, was spotted by a member of the public acting suspiciously with a woman in Victoria Place, Peterborough, on 24 May.

When officers arrived, they saw Hurtt was touching himself inappropriately in a nearby car park.

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They later searched CCTV of the vicinity, which captured Hurtt speaking to an 11-year-old girl in the street before the incident took place. This represented a breach of his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

Hurtt, of Wesleyan Road, Peterborough, went on to admit breaching his SHPO and a separate charge of outraging public decency.

Today (22 June) at Peterborough Crown Court he was jailed for 19 months.

DC Sian Thomas said: “Hurtt’s behaviour was disgraceful. He knew the terms of his SHPO and yet blatantly breached it by approaching this young girl.

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“I’d like to thank the member of the public who reported the initial incident which ultimately led to Hurtt being prosecuted for these offences.

“We robustly manage registered sex offenders who are living in the community and take any breaches of court orders incredibly seriously.

“We’re working hard to make Cambridgeshire a safer place for everyone – with child protection being one of our top priorities.”