Two Peterborough men arrested after threatening call made to emergency services

A Peterborough roundabout was closed by police after emergency services received threats in a phone call.

The roundabout connecting Malborne Way, Goldhay Way and The Fletton Parkway was closed at about 1.30pm by officers investigating the incident.

A Cambridgeshire police spokesman said: “We were called today (12 February) at 12.50pm by a man who spoke to the call handler aggressively and made threats from a phone box in Herlington, Orton Malbourne, Peterborough.

“Officers attended the scene and stopped a vehicle nearby.

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“The passenger of the vehicle, a man in his 40s from Peterborough, has been arrested on suspicion of threatening to cause criminal damage.

“The driver of the vehicle, also a man in his 40s from Peterborough, was also arrested, on suspicion of driving whilst unfit through drugs and possession of class B or C drugs.

“Both men remain in custody at Thorpe Wood Police Station.”