Opinion: Proud of work we have done to help

A giant ice rink will form part of a new Christmas attraction in Cathedral SquareA giant ice rink will form part of a new Christmas attraction in Cathedral Square
A giant ice rink will form part of a new Christmas attraction in Cathedral Square
I am fully aware that the rising costs of living continues to cause much concern, especially with the recent increase in energy bills, writes city council leader Wayne Fitzgerald.

With winter approaching, the council will continue to do absolutely everything it can to help those in need.

I’m extremely proud of the work we’ve already done – we’ve set up and supported a number of schemes including our Household Support Fund (HSF), which since launching in November last year has helped 16,343 people who are struggling, issuing over £1.1 million in vouchers.

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The HSF will be open to new applications soon as we have new funding from Government, but in the meantime I would urge anyone who is struggling to get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity.

There’s lots of information and advice on offer on our website, but if you’re not online please get in touch either in person or by phone. You may want help accessing grants and debt advice, support getting money you’re entitled to, or simply want to know more about the support measures in place, whatever it is, we can help.

If you’re struggling to pay energy bills, there are several schemes specifically aimed at helping with this and providing advice. The government’s Warmer Homes scheme is providing improvements for people in properties with the lowest energy efficiency. To find out more visit www.warmerhomes.org.uk or call 0800 038 5737.

The council also supports residents through its Local Energy Advice Partnership (LEAP). This includes free of charge in-home energy support and advice including the installation of energy saving measures. You can apply for LEAP by visiting www.applyforleap.org.uk or calling 0800 060 7567.

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We’re also continuing to help families with school age children by providing them with supermarket vouchers during the half term and Christmas holidays. I would advise any families who haven’t received vouchers and think they may be eligible, to check this which you can do online.

As I said, the quickest and easiest way to access all this information is by visiting our website, www.peterborough.gov.uk For residents unable to access information online, please contact us on 01733 747474.

The last few years have seen us all experience some very tough challenges.

The council now finds itself operating in a very different environment to before the Covid-19 pandemic started and as a forward-thinking authority, we must adapt and change to meet new challenges and take advantage of opportunities.

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As a result, we’ve drawn up two new plans, the ‘Sustainable Future City Council Strategy 2022-25 and ‘City Priorities’ which were endorsed by Cabinet members last week.

This is just of the start of creating a new way of working to ensure we can provide the right services for our residents and develop long-term growth across the city.

It’s a big piece of work which we’ll be progressing over the coming weeks and months, with the aim of creating a sustainable organisation that can live within its means, tackle challenges and deliver long-term visions.

As well as securing opportunities for growth, another of the council’s key aims is helping Peterborough to become carbon neutral by 2030.

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It’s an ambitious target which will require major behavioural changes which is why residents, businesses, organisations and community groups are being invited to take part in a widespread public engagement programme which will help develop the plans needed to decarbonise the city.

We will share the latest updates and relevant information with a dedicated webpage to launch shortly. And to get people started, all this week stories of people who have made changes to their lifestyles which benefit the environment will be shared on our website and social media platforms, so please go and have a look.

Once the consultation has finished, the findings will be used to help develop a city-wide climate change action plan which will also be consulted on before a final version is taken to Full Council for adoption.

Black History Month is currently taking place and here in Peterborough we’re celebrating with a special event in Cathedral Square on Saturday, which I’m looking forward to attending.

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There will be a variety of stalls, performers and interactive activities on the day that showcase and celebrate Black African and Caribbean culture, heritage and history. You can find out more here: https://www.peterborough.gov.uk/news/black-history-month-2022

On the subject of fun-filled activities, we’ve also announced that a giant ice rink will be among the new attractions for Christmas shoppers in the city centre this year. It will be surrounded by fabulous festive stalls, creating a new attraction in Cathedral Square and I’m already looking forward to it.