Peterborough residents urged sign up to volunteer to befriend a child in care

Peterborough Town Hall EMN-210809-085709009Peterborough Town Hall EMN-210809-085709009
Peterborough Town Hall EMN-210809-085709009
Peterborough residents are being urged to sign up to make a huge difference to a child in care’s life - by signing up to become an independent visitor.

Peterborough City Council requires people from all walks of life from Peterborough and the surrounding areas to volunteer their time to befriend a child or young person in care.

All volunteers are provided with training, support and supervision, as well as reimbursement of reasonable expenses.

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The council aims to pair people with similar interests together, and many who have previously signed up to become Independent Visitors have developed strong bonds with the young person which often carries on even when they have left care.

The role of an IV includes providing continuity and a trusting relationship to the young person (especially where they may have experienced numerous placements or changes to paid professionals in their life) and being a positive and supportive influence and encouraging them to make their own decisions about their life. The Independent Visitor will visit a child or young person once a month for a few hours to do fun activities both will enjoy, such as going for a walk, out to lunch, to watch a film or even something more active.

Anyone signing for to become an Independent Visitor will receive training from the council and will have continual access to support. It is important anyone wishing to volunteer is prepared to make a long-term commitment of at least two years and is over 21 years old.

Cllr Steve Allen, cabinet member for housing, culture and communities, said: “Independent visitors can bring so much joy to a young person who may have had a very difficult start in life.

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“If you can spare a few hours each month to share with a young person to help build their confidence and give them something to look forward to, please do get in touch. It is such a rewarding role.”

The appeal for new IVs comes during Befriending Week (1-7 November) which aims to highlight how befriending services have become lifelines for many isolated people in our communities.

For more information or advice on how to become an IV, email